We went to Wind Cave this morning. It was the first cave to become a National Park. I know I am running out of adjectives to describe everything and keep using the same ones, but I can't help it! It was amazing as is its history! I really want to go into more detail with descriptions but, in the interest of time, want even more to show pictures. I also started off putting links to sites on the blog but now don't seem to have time. Maybe I will do it later...maybe, Ha! I guess I will add it to the "things I want to do but don't have time" list! And I can place that list next to the "books I want to read but haven't" and "movies I want to see but haven't"! Some of you know exactly what I am talking about!
Anyway, we left Wind Cave and went to Custer State Park...what can I say...it's amazing too! We did the wildlife loop today and saw buffelo, white-tailed deer, pronghorns (often incorrectly called antelope), bighorn sheep, burros, prairie dogs, and some others I can't remember now...I will have to look at pictures!
We came back to Custer and stopped at Pizza Works and had a great pizza!
Which brings me to...posting pictures! I have just finished posting pictures from July 5 and am working on July 6... If I'm really good tonight I will get them AND get today's posted tonight. If I don't get them posted tonight I should have them posted tomorrow night! I'm almost caught up again!!! Yeah!!!
Wind Cave

Jennifer, this little boy reminded us so much of Jack! He would dance around when we got to the large areas... I had to take a number of pictures of him! Jack would have loved this!
Custer State Park Wildlife Loop
Unfortunately, the pictures do not do the scenery justice! Everything is so much more beautiful in person!!!
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