No exciting "adventures" today...just a lot of laughter and fun! The drive to Amarillo was "quite uneventful" and a little boring, as you can see from the pictures (don't worry, I didn't take many!).
After we got settled in, we ran a few errands and went to
"the world's only" Cadillac Ranch, where ten cadillacs are buried nose down in a field at the same angle as the Cheops Pyramid. Sounds exciting, huh... Then we went went to the "world renowned" Texas Steak Ranch" for dinner. Now that was a trip! It is famous for it's 72 oz. steak. If you order one and eat it (and all the fixings) in one hour, you get it free. It is quite a production, as you can see from the pictures!
Click on the link below to see today's pictures.
Yes, that was fun!!!