Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 14, 2012 - Kancamagus Highway, New Hampshire

We toured the scenic Kancamagus Highway today and did a few short hikes.  It was beautiful and the pictures definitely do not do it justice!  It's just one of those places that "you have to be there"! 

But first, a stop at Saco Valley Overlook.  We've passed it several times since we've been here and it always caught our eye...this time we remembered to look for the pull-off and stop! 

Right after we got on the Kancamagus Highway we went around a curve and ran into a "cloud of dust".  A woman riding a motorcycle had just lost control and was thrown off her motorcycle seconds earlier.

I won't go into details here but prayers were answered and she is going to be alright.  Her husband, Dana, called tonight and told us that her most serious injuries are a broken collarbone and eight broken ribs.  She will be in the hospital for at least several days but she should be fine after she heals.  He was so nice and appreciative...hopefully we will see them both again someday.

On the road again.....remember, Kancamagus Highway...

Glenn meets a nice couple from Canada

Yes...we "happened" upon another's getting to be a habit on our trips!

A really nice family from Massachusetts

And a final stop at The Mt. Washington Resort...really impressive!

We wrapped the day up with a stop at Ben and Jerry's...yum!

Click on the links below to see all of today's pictures.


1 comment:

  1. I know you're having a great time. Glenn is smiling waaaay big in a few of the photos!! I guess he just couldn't help himself!! We have a few pictures of Glenn (OK, maybe a few thousand) and although we know he's happy, sometimes it's hard to catch a smile. Wish we were there. I'm sure we'd have big smiles too!! Miss you both.
