Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 17, 2012 - Bangor and Old Town, Maine

We woke up to light rain, which was ok with us.  We had a leisurely morning getting ready and, in the meantime, unsuccessfully trying to get grooming appointments for the "girls".  The earliest anyone could groom them was Friday...not good since we are leaving for Bar Harbor then; however, one groomer that grooms a number of dogs that come to this RVpark annually each summer, called back and said that she could bathe and "fluff" two of them tomorrow and one Thursday.  Yeah!  The schedule will interfere somewhat with our siteseeing but at least they will be clean again!  We sure are glad that maltipoos do not smell or shed or we would be up the creek without a paddle!

Speaking of paddles, we went to Old Town, Maine today to the Old Town Canoe Company factory and outlet and (I think) we may be buying 2 kayaks tomorrow!  They are holding them for us until tomorrow so we have tonight to "sleep on it".  Actually, we have been looking at kayaks in Vermont and New Hampshire after passing so many lakes and rivers that would have been great to paddle in.  And, since we will be on the coast of Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, etc., the next 2 months with so many wonderful areas to paddle, and Lake Murray when we get home, I guess you could say we "have the itch" again!  I'll let you know tomorrow if we "scratch it"! 

We left Old Town and headed to the riverfront in Bangor for a delicious seafood dinner.  By the way, the lobster is great!

Jordan was such a help and really knowledgable!

I love these ads!

Click on the link below for all of the pictures.

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