Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 40 - July 14, 2011 - Spearfish SD

Today was a "rest" day, playing catch up on things that needed to be done at the campground, like laundry, cleaning, phone calls, emails, and trying to be "up-to-date" with pictures on the blog.  Many of you know my obsession with being caught up and bringing closure to things that need to be done!  Some of you have asked, "why do you post so many pictures, particularly since it is taking so long"? In case you are wondering, it's because Glenn and I decided this trip that we wanted a good record and pictures of our trip...and, if we wait to do it when we get home, it will probably never get done!  Besides, we are doing so much and going so many places, without the pictures we can't remember what we did two days ago!  Anyway, we are having fun doing the blog and hope that you are enjoying it too!  

I mentioned when we arrived that this is a beautiful campground with the City Park beside us and Spearfish Creek running beside the campground and through the park.  Well, when I took the "girls" for a walk this afternoon there were a number of kids, and some adults, tubing down the creek and I realized that I had not taken any pictures of the creek (you thought you were going to get a reprieve from pictures today...didn't you?)!  So I came home, got my camera, and headed back to take some pictures and...guess one was tubing (it would have been a great shot)!  I did get some great pictures, though!  Duane and Debbie cooked dinner for us tonight...steaks, sauted potatos and onions, and a delicious Asian slaw...really I thought it was appropriate that I take pictures of them cooking!  Yes...they humor me!

We are having so much fun here with Duane and Debbie, we decided to stay in Spearfish until Sunday.  There is a big festival at the park this weekend that we want to go to also, and we still have not gone to the Fish Hatchery (their volunteer job for the summer) yet.  Unfortunately, though, because of the festival the campground is full so we will be moving to the KOA Campground 3 miles away tomorrow.  Hope it is half as nice as this one!  Then we will leave for North Dakota Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! You are all caught up!! Love the results of all your late nights. Now get some sleep!!!
